Sunday, July 6, 2008

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: A final decision

Mr. Jeffery was furious that the girls had gotten away. They had the map and Matthew’s car. He yelled,
“ How could this happen! They couldn’t have just walked out the door and just jumped into the fastest car we own. It’s impossible”
Matt joked,
“Well technically not impossible, it just happened.”
The angry man spun around and bellowed,
“You helped them did you! “
Matt then said back innocently,
“ No, Why would I help those girls. I stick to the rules. All I know is that they must have escaped-”
Mr. Jeffery then mocked,
“ Nahhhh really”
Matt continued,
“ They must have found a way to get my car and my credit -”
He stopped suddenly as his dad said,
“ Wait they have your credit card. That’s perfect! We can then monitor their purchases and pinpoint where they are. Ohh what luck”

Meanwhile, the girls had stopped at Wales for a while. They were all sitting at a small pub talking about the exciting experience.
“ And I was like take that, and we went WOOOOO, and then I went Bang Bang! It was totally awesome!”
Lily kept repeating over and over again. Sophie took a big slurp of her soda and sucked some of it up in her straw. She then squirted it at Lily who jumped back. Ariel started talking about going back home once the heat is off. Lily then took a look at the map, which she had stuffed into her pocket. It was very confusing , and she brought up,
“ I wonder what the message meant? I mean the whole land under all and a treasure under the sands of time. What do you think it means?”
Ariel thought and said,
“ Ok land below others could mean dirt, cave, earth . Land below other. Land down under? What could it mean?”
Sophie laughed,
“ It kinda sounds like Australia. You know The land down under, but I really dout it”
Lily then exclaimed,
“ That’s it! The treasure is in Australia. Sophie you’re a genius! All we need to know is how to get there”
Her eyes then darted to Matthew’s credit card. She grinned and said,
“ Look’s like we’re going to Australia”
To be continued…..

Friday, July 4, 2008

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: A daring escape
It had been a day since they were first kidnapped. It was already 8:00 AM. The girls were hungry and scared. They knew that they would probably never get out. Then there was a voice from above,
“ If you ask me, I think Matthew is a wonderful name. Lily sounds like something that frogs sit on”
The girls looked up and saw him sitting on a box a couple feet above them. Sophie slightly jumped and said,
“Ohh it’s you Matt. Please be a dear and help us escape. I have a family”
He then shrugged and proclaimed,
“Well sure. Only because Lily is very attractive. Now come on”
He then jumped down and unlocked the door. The girls were surprised and a little bit suspicious why he would be helping them. He then snuck them out of the warehouse. He then asked Lily if she could drive. Lily nodded. He then took her to the back and there stood a shiny sleek blue car. Lily was amazed as Matt said,
“This baby cost me over 10 million dollars, I still owe my dad a couple million. She can go to 60 miles per hour in 2 seconds. Her fastest is 480 miles per hour. Don’t worry she is easy to handle. Even a child could drive it, just don’t crash it. It also has windows in the back. It comes to great use when in a car chase. Now you gotta start going. Before that I should give you these”
He handed her a credit card and told her to use it wisely. He then handed her a roll of paper, the map! She didn’t know how he got it, but she just snatched it. He then handed her the keys. There was little time as they quickly jumped into the car. Matt told them to stick to the main rode but when they get to the intersection to take a right, it will take them to Wales.
Lily hopped in the front seat as Ariel sat next to her. Sophie sat in the back. Lily then out the key and turned it. She then almost instantly floored it. The car the sped off. Matthew then raced to get out of the scene.
Lily was not used to driving such a fast car, and unfortunately made a bad turn. Suddenly the car came crashing through the warehouse causing boxes to scatter everywhere. People were yelling and running about trying not to get hit. Constantly they were getting fired at. Sophie and Ariel were screaming their heads off. They then crashed through the other side back onto a dirt road. Sweet freedom!
Mr. Jeffrey noticed that they had taken the map and was irate. He then screamed at some others to get them. One of his assistants said,
“ I’m sorry sir but none of our cars can even get close to it. It is too fast”
Mr. Jeffrey then barked,
“ Then get the Ferrari! I don’t care , they got the map!”
The others then rushed off and a couple of men got into a red Ferrari. They then rode off after them.
Meanwhile, Lily was holding tight to the steering wheel as Sophie and Ariel were screaming their heads off. They could barely stay still because of the roaring winds blowing in their faces. Lily looked through her rear window and saw a small red dot in the distance. Ariel looked out the window and saw it was a red car. It was gaining up fast and at first she didn’t worry.
As the car quickly got close to them. Ariel could clearly see somebody take out a large gun and fire it at them. The shot scared Lily and caused her to swerve a little. They approached a sharp turn at a steep cliff. The red car was right next to them. Lily tried to ran her car into the other, which caused both of them to swerve.

They were only inches away from the cliff and it was hard to concentrate with the gunshots. She ordered Ariel to get it to stop. Ariel searched through the car, till she found what was to be the end of the problem. A fully loaded Ak-47. Ariel knew that she didn’t have a gun license, nor did she even have a drivers licence. She then said to Lily,
“ I cant use a gun, You!”
Lily then moved over to the window and handed Ariel the wheel. Lily grabbed the gun, but right before she could shot 2 bullets were shot at her. Both hitting a side view window. Lily roared,
“You son of a -”
Before she could finish Ariel yelled at her to shoot. She then shot 4 loads of bullets at the car. It sped in a circle before crashing into a tree. The girls gave a quick,
“ Take that!”
Lily and Ariel then switched places as they took a right turn. Ariel then said,
“ You know you missed them”
Lily then replied with a grin on her face,
“ I shot the tires. Now let’s get out of here”
To be continued….

New character idea

Now we go to Ariel: try to guess what actress this is . Last we have Lily who is tommaro

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A long question

Yesterday my dad asked a question on How the parents of Lily had the map to The City of gold. Well here is my answer, Lily's mother's grandmother had been in a long reign of people who were given access to the city. once every year they were to put a new treasure inside the city. Near 1900 the tradition stopped when the map to the city dissapeared. The map had been given to Lily's mom and told to keep it in safe keeping. Well that answers the question.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 : A Surprise Attack

Ariel had just adapted to her new life as Anna. She had been preparing for her All Girls retreat to France. There was going to be a fancy formal party at the camp leader’s house. They were expected to dress nice. Ariel had been rushed, for the party was to start in about two hours. She quickly tossed on a short green dress and raced out the door. Her mom drove her to the party.
It was almost fancy, except for the fact that they were playing hard rock music. For a while, it was calm. Ariel constantly looked out the window to see if the white van was there. Then, she heard somebody yell her name behind her. Ariel spun around, and saw it was Lily and Sophie! Lily ran over and said,
“Girl, I haven’t seen you in like, ever. How is everything going? Never mind that, I just got my drivers license. I’m so excited!”
The girls talked for a while, when suddenly there was a crash! The doors and windows suddenly broke into pieces! Seven masked men jumped inside and pointed guns at the girls.
There was a sudden rush of fear as everybody jumped to the floor. An adult tried to negotiate with them, but one of the guys fired a gun into the ceiling. It then scared them all. One of the men said,
“ Now we’ll try not to hurt you all, just hand over Lily, Ariel and Sophie.”
Sophie then said sarcastically,
“ It’s Sophia. Can’t anybody get it right….. I mean, I never heard of a Sophie.”
Then Sophie recognized the tuxedos, they were wearing as the same people who tried to kidnap them a week ago! She tried to scuttle away from them. Suddenly, a guy grabbed her, and she kicked and screamed. She was dragged out of the house and into the white van. The three others went for Ariel and Lily. It took two men to take Lily, being of her older age. They were then tossed into the car.
The three girls huddled together and were scared. One guy took off his mask to reveal a youthful boy of about 18. He had long brown, hair and dark eyes. He sat down in front of them, as three others sat close by. A stern looking men took off his mask and said,
“ Now ladies, we don’t want to hurt you girls. Ohh, where are my manners, I’m Mr. Hank Jeffery. This is my son Matthew, Matt for short.”
Ariel chuckled a little, but fell silent. Mr. Jeffery then said,
“Now, we’re looking for a map, and we’ll let you go if you give it to us.”
Lily then asked,
“ What map, who are you guys? The Britain police don’t kidnap girls and wear masks. You don’t even look like one, and for god sake, they don’t use the name Matthew! No offense. It’s just too smart like.”
Matt gave her a mean look. Another guy admonished them,
“ Show us where the map is, Lily!”
Lily had no idea what they were talking about but answered,
“ I don’t have any map if that’s what your wanting. What the devil do you guys want?”
Mr. Jeffery looked at the others and asked,
“ Tell me Lily, do you believe in the City of Gold”
The three girls burst into laughter. Sophie exclaimed,
“ Yeah, I believed in Cities of Gold when I was three! Let me guess, you think the tooth fairy will help you find it. Maybe after that the -”
Ariel gave her a look as to tell her to stop. Mr. Jeffery then told them that the gold is the least of their concerns for something other than gold was their goal. Lily said,
“Ok, I never even heard of a map to this City of Gold. Why do you want us?!”
Mr. Jeffery just said that they wanted a map that they had and they probably won’t hurt them. The car then stopped in front of Lily’s house. Mr. Jeffery asked politely for them to get the map. The girls could tell he was demanding them to do it.
They then hopped out of the car and started searching her house. There were two guards outside the door. Lily tried to grab enough stuff they needed, as Ariel searched for the map. Lily grabbed a pocket knife, a cell phone, and a pack of gum. Meanwhile, Ariel and Sophie were searching through the house for the map. Sophie whined,
“Were soo going to die! I knew I shouldn’t have signed up for that retreat. I shouldn’t have ever gone to flashlight tag that night. This is all Lily’s fault.”
Ariel was getting tired of hearing her whine, and pushed her over. Then a couple of guys went in and forcefully took the girls out. Their hands and feet were tied with rope.
For a while, Ariel and Sophie were in the trunk of the car both sitting on a bunch of boxes. The doors opened and Lily was tossed in too. She sighed,
“ I think they got the wrong person, I would never have some stupid map to an unknown stupid place. This is stupid!”
Sophie complimented her,
“ You sure do like the word stupid. Just think on the positive side. If we get through this alive, we could be on an episode of 20/20 or be on the cover of People Magazine. New found fame!”
The other girls knew that it would never happen. Then they heard voices from the outside say,
“ We found it! It was in some vase that was full of dumb lilacs.”
Lily’s eyes widened and said,
“Not my lilacs!”
Ariel shushed her. They then felt the car moving and in an hour, they knew they were far away. Ariel then noticed something on one of the boxes. The letters NWD in red ink. Ariel knew what they were. A couple weeks earlier, she had saw on the news that an organization called the Nuclear Weapon Distributors (The NWD ) were selling powerful weapons to countries like Iran and North Korea. Why would they want to find a city of gold? It didn’t make sense. The car stopped and the girls were blindfolded.
A couple of minutes later, they found themselves in some warehouse. They were in an enclosed area with a 9 foot wall of boxes surrounded them with only one exit that was blocked. Then Lily used her pocket knife to rip through her bounds. She took off her blindfold. She then helped untie the others. The girls knew that whatever it was, was getting serious. The door on the side opened and Mr. Jeffery entered and yelled,
“ Listen here girls, either you participate or else. Now anybody here speak ancient French?”
Ariel slowly raised her hand and he tossed her the map. The map wasn’t what she expected; all it had was writing on it. No pictures at all. She studied it hard and said slowly,
“Umm…I think it says land under all, lies a treasure beyond all. Shins in the sky but buried under the sands of time.”
It made no sense, but the men quickly snatched it back. The door then closed behind them.
To be continued….