Sunday, August 3, 2008

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Australia

For four days the girls spent money like crazy. They bought new purses , clothing, swimsuits, compasses, ect. Then it became that day where they packed all their stuff and took a short car drive to the airport.
After a 14 hour plane ride they made it to Australia. It was very beautiful with the beaches and the outback. The girls then bought a hotel room near Canberra. That night they tried to figure out the rest of the puzzle.
“ Ok here clearly says a river to the reef and the gateway to riches.”
Ariel said .
The girls thought for a while till Sophie said,
“ Am I the only one who gets this. It means we need to find a river that empties into the reef. I’m thinking the Great Barrier Reef. Probably the river has some clue to the treasure. I feel just like Nancy Drew and Indiana jones smashed together”
Lily said maliciously ,
“ Yah let’s all hail the brilliant 10 year old who has a knack of solving riddles. Yes yes, all hail you. This really has been a good week for you has it”
Ariel smirked with a sense of accomplishment.

Back in England, the NWD was getting hot on their trail. They had pinpointed their destination to Canberra, Australia.

Back with the girls, They had decided to go to an outside mall near the beach. It was a nice place, with all sorts of stores. Those of shells, fish, clothing and all sorts of nick nacks. It made the girls feel like they were in Hawaii, or on a tropical island. Almost all the people looked friendly, and they all wore beautiful clothing of all sorts of colors. The girls felt welcomed there. Young Sophie looked around at one of the shops, unaware that somebody was watching her.
The diminutive girl was about to buy a pair of seashell earrings, when a man knocked into her. She didn’t notice that he slipped something into her purse.
Sophie then walked over to Ariel and Lily. She had noticed that her bag and gotten real heavy. She searched through her bag and found a strange round object with a small red screen on it that had a small clock that was ticking away. Ariel cried,
“ That’s a bomb! Get rid of it”
Sophie scurried to get rid of it, and then tossed it into a trashcan. Then there was a huge explosion of fire and smoke. It shot the girls 10 feet back. There were tons of screaming people as a large mushroom of smoke filled the air. There was debree everywhere.
None of the girls were hurt and they knew that somebody was trying to hurt them.
That night at the hotel, Ariel desperately wanted to go home and for all this action to stop. Lily insisted that they keep going and find the treasure. Then there was a knock on the door. The girls were scared to open it, but Lily slowly opened the door.
To their surprise it was Matthew. The girls then welcomed him in. He looked around at the hotel and wondered how much it cost. He asked,
“ Now you haven’t spent a lot have you. My father had been tracking my credit card buys and it well led us here”
Lily then pushed some shopping bags into the closet. He then said down on the bed and said,
“ Let’s not get off topic now. I found out that the NWD wants to find the city of gold because it is home to a element called Carlizite. It is used in bombs , well can be used in bombs. It’s blast is said to be enough to destroy a country to size of France. Rumors said that the ancient Aboriginies made 4 rooms of gold to protect it, like a distraction. We can’t allow anybody to find it”
Sophie questioned him,
“ Why are you helping us?”
Matthew answered,
“ Because I know the destruction it can do it they get it. Also I think Lily is totally hot. Now tomorrow I’m taking you to a river that empties into the Great Barrier Reef. Wear your bathing suits, your going to get wet.”
Ariel asked him if he wanted to stay over, but Howie said it would be too risky. The girls never imagined the new adventure ahead.
To be continued…..

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